
Disclosures and Enforceability of Standard-Essential Patents: An Overview

Disclosures and Enforceability of Standard-Essential Patents: An Overview

I am very pleased that my chapter comparing how three different courts approach IPR disclosure obligations under ETSI has been published by Wolters Kluwer in their 2021 Licensing Update.

The IEEE Ill-Advised 2015 IP Policy Continues to Fail

The IEEE Ill-Advised 2015 IP Policy Continues to Fail

The IEEE’s spectacularly misguided 2015 revisions to its IP policy continues to disappoint (I addressed them a number of times previously).

Technical Standards: A Quick Introduction [VIDEO]

Technical Standards: A Quick Introduction [VIDEO]

We help you make money from your intellectual property.

Implementer Subterfuge Comes to Japan

Implementer Subterfuge Comes to Japan

There is something about standard essential patents that encourages subterfuge by implementers.

A Patent: What Is In It? [VIDEO]

A Patent: What Is In It? [VIDEO]

I help people make money from their intellectual property. My primary unit of currency is a patent. What is a patent?

The Patent Litigation Money Pit

The Patent Litigation Money Pit

Patent litigation, the Sport of Kings, does not come cheap, especially when the litigation transmogrifies into a multi-jurisdictional slugfest.

SEP Litigation Trends and Licensing Realities

SEP Litigation Trends and Licensing Realities

I am very pleased to be participating in the upcoming webinar hosted by IPWatchdog and IPLytics on Tuesday March 9 at Noon Eastern Time.

Strengthen Your Intellectual Assets (Part 2): Structured Innovation

Strengthen Your Intellectual Assets (Part 2): Structured Innovation

In my last installment, I talked about IP audits as a way to strengthen your portfolio. Once those avenues have been exhausted, the next step is to undergo a phase of structured innovation.

IEEE and ANSI Reach Agreement to Conceal Negative Letters of Assurance

IEEE and ANSI Reach Agreement to Conceal Negative Letters of Assurance

For my next trick, disappearing LOA Disclosures!

Strengthen Your Intellectual Assets (Part 1): IP Audits

Strengthen Your Intellectual Assets (Part 1): IP Audits

Some people have a visceral reaction to the word audit. They think the tax people are coming and will soon be pounding on the door.