
The Value of a Confidentiality Agreement

The Value of a Confidentiality Agreement

One of the most important developments in the world economy has been the increased importance of ideas and innovation.

IP Monetization: 4 Categories for Consideration

IP Monetization: 4 Categories for Consideration

Because IP monetization covers a wide range of business and legal activities, it is important to provide some examples.

Outsourced Manufacturing and Trade Secrets: Final Considerations

Outsourced Manufacturing and Trade Secrets: Final Considerations

After termination or expiration, the company should require the manufacturer to provide extensive transition services to the company.

Outsourced Manufacturing and Trade Secrets: Security Procedures for Access, Storage, and Transmission (Part 12)

Outsourced Manufacturing and Trade Secrets: Security Procedures for Access, Storage, and Transmission (Part 12)

The licensing of the company’s trade secrets and other IP should be consistent with the company’s identification of its trade secrets and other IP and appropriately limited in scope.

Anti-Patent Leadership Taking IEEE-SA on The Road to Knowhere? Part I

Anti-Patent Leadership Taking IEEE-SA on The Road to Knowhere? Part I

As I noted previously, over the past five years or so, the IEEE has been captured by the implementer lobby and its advocates.

Outsourced Manufacturing and Trade Secrets: Obligations Concerning Manufacturer’s Employees and Contractors (Part 11)

Outsourced Manufacturing and Trade Secrets: Obligations Concerning Manufacturer’s Employees and Contractors (Part 11)

While not always possible given local labor laws, to the extent possible, the company should require the manufacturer to adopt protocols to govern a termination of the manufacturer’s employees

Outsourced Manufacturing and Trade Secrets: The Manufacturer Relationship (Part 10)

Outsourced Manufacturing and Trade Secrets: The Manufacturer Relationship (Part 10)

The outsourced manufacturing agreement should require procedures that limit access to the company’s confidential information to specific

Employees or Independent Contractor Generated IP

Employees or Independent Contractor Generated IP

This post will provide an overview of key IP issues encountered when dealing with employees and independent contractors.

The ACT | APPLE Association Charade

The ACT | APPLE Association Charade

Apple and the Fearsome five are doing it again.   The same people who pushed the fallacious “troll bogeyman”; engaged in PTAB proxy warfare

The IEEE 2015 Patent Policy – A Natural Experiment in Devaluing Technology

The IEEE 2015 Patent Policy – A Natural Experiment in Devaluing Technology

While most are unlikely to be familiar with the standards development organization IEEE-SA, everyone is familiar with its flagship standard IEEE 802.11, more commonly referred to by its brand name Wi-Fi, that is utilized by billions of people daily.