
Updated Practice Note on SEP Licensing Management

Updated Practice Note on SEP Licensing Management

I am very pleased that Practical Law of Thomson Reuters released an update of Standard-Essential Patent Licensing Management that I co-authored with my amazing collaborators Doug Clark and Eric Stasik.

New Empirical Data Demonstrates Continued Failure of IEEE 2015 Patent Policy

New Empirical Data Demonstrates Continued Failure of IEEE 2015 Patent Policy

I have written extensively about the many negative effects of the 2015 IEEE patent policy and it was gratifying to see the US Department of Justice (DOJ) acknowledging these negative effects.

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 5

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 5

Copyright protection is, generally speaking, formality-free in the US and other member states of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 4

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 4

To determine which computer program elements are copyrightable, the federal courts (which have exclusive jurisdiction over US copyright cases)

Cars or Car-tels?

Cars or Car-tels?

In high tech, famous OEMs have a long history of playing fast and loose with the antitrust laws while complaining about SEP owners’ alleged antitrust abuse

On Deceptive Apps and Practices: Unmasking the ACT App(le) Association

On Deceptive Apps and Practices: Unmasking the ACT App(le) Association

On July 1, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), under the leadership of new Chair Lina Khan, held the first open Commission meeting in a series of announced monthly meetings.

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 3

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 3

In most jurisdictions around the world, the most common form of protection for software is copyright. In the US, ever since the Alice decision, copyright was thought to be the best form of protection for software.

The DOJ Antitrust Division: Regulatory Capture at the Expense of U.S. Interests

The DOJ Antitrust Division: Regulatory Capture at the Expense of U.S. Interests

I am very pleased that my latest article on how Big Tech has captured yet another public institution was published by IPWatchdog.

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 2

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 2

As patent practitioners know, the law sometimes defines technical topics in ways that do not always accord with how engineers and scientists understand those same topics.

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 1

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 1

Software has an outsized role in the economy contributing over a trillion dollars to the value of the US gross domestic product.