Kidon Podcast: IP War Stories – David Cohen & Dragos Vilau

By David L. Cohen, Esq.

My next interview is with Dragos Vilau, founder of Vilau | Associates in Romania. Dragos is an old comrade in arms from my Vringo days and was instrumental in helping develop and implement our strategy in Romania – which included the first European judgment affirming an SEP injunction under the European Court of Justice’s Huawei v. ZTE decision. Dragos has been and remains heavily involved in all aspects of the intellectual property and tech-startup scene in Romania. Indeed, Dragos, has been heavily involved in those spaces literally since just after Romania’s re-engagement with the Western world after the fall of Nicolae Ceaușescu.

Our interview focuses on the state of IP in Romania as well as the impressive start-up scene that has emerged. I hope you enjoy our fascinating discussion.