

The Real FRAND Scam Part 3

The Real FRAND Scam Part 3

Previously we discussed a Unified Patents’ article, the “FRAND SCAM” fails to address many key points.

The Real FRAND Scam Part 2

The Real FRAND Scam Part 2

Previously we addressed some of the key omissions in Unified Patents’ article “FRAND SCAM.”

The Real FRAND Scam Part 1

The Real FRAND Scam Part 1

Last month, Unified Patents, also known as a PTAB reverse troll, launched its new service called Unified Consulting.

IPlytics’ Patent-Counting Fallacy

IPlytics’ Patent-Counting Fallacy

There is no doubt that the number of patents declared as potentially essential to technical standards is not an indication of essentiality; its only purpose is to make those declared patents accessible on FRAND terms should they ever become essential.

Back to Balance

Back to Balance

The remedies a court can impose on behalf of a standard-essential patent owner whose Essential Patents are infringed, and even the remedies an Essential Patents owner requests became an especially contentious question between 2013-2015.

Anti-Patent Leadership Taking IEEE-SA on The Road to Knowhere? Part I

Anti-Patent Leadership Taking IEEE-SA on The Road to Knowhere? Part I

As I noted previously, over the past five years or so, the IEEE has been captured by the implementer lobby and its advocates.

The IEEE 2015 Patent Policy – A Natural Experiment in Devaluing Technology

The IEEE 2015 Patent Policy – A Natural Experiment in Devaluing Technology

While most are unlikely to be familiar with the standards development organization IEEE-SA, everyone is familiar with its flagship standard IEEE 802.11, more commonly referred to by its brand name Wi-Fi, that is utilized by billions of people daily.

The SEP Royalty Stacking Myth – Apple Calls Its Own Bluff

The SEP Royalty Stacking Myth – Apple Calls Its Own Bluff

If you follow statements of antitrust agencies the world over – even as far away as China and Korea

Unified Patent’s UnFRANDly Jihad or Trolling at the PTAB

Unified Patent’s UnFRANDly Jihad or Trolling at the PTAB

After a period of skeptical acquiescence, anti-trust regulators seem to have come around and embraced patent pools for standard essential patents (SEPs.) The European Commission, no slouch when it comes to regulating SEPs, even remarked that the creation of patent pools “should be encouraged.”

Tech’s Frightful Five and Their Allies Come to Brussels

Tech’s Frightful Five and Their Allies Come to Brussels

Over the past 100 years corporate America has become quite sophisticated in how it lobbies the US Federal and State government and regulators.