
David Cohen

Outsourced Manufacturing and Trade Secrets: Outsourced Manufacturing (Part 2)

Outsourced Manufacturing and Trade Secrets: Outsourced Manufacturing (Part 2)

There are two common categories of outsourced manufacturing: toll manufacturing and contract manufacturing.

Outsourced Manufacturing and Trade Secrets: An Economic Overview (Part 1)

Outsourced Manufacturing and Trade Secrets: An Economic Overview (Part 1)

Since the beginning of the industrial age, companies have outsourced part of the manufacturing process to third-party providers.

Smallest Saleable Patent Practicing Unit (SSPPU) – Another Court Affirms the Obvious

Smallest Saleable Patent Practicing Unit (SSPPU) – Another Court Affirms the Obvious

In the topsy-turvy world of Standard Essential Patent (SEP) litigation, a court acknowledging the obvious often counts as news.

Trade Secret Theft in China

Trade Secret Theft in China

“China national charged with stealing trade secrets” – U.S. Justice Department

Patent Demand Letters – The Kinds of Letters You Might Receive (Part 2)

Patent Demand Letters – The Kinds of Letters You Might Receive (Part 2)

In my previous article, I discussed the initial considerations and steps one should make upon receiving a patent demand letter.

Patent Demand Letters – You Have One, What Now? (Part 1)

Patent Demand Letters – You Have One, What Now? (Part 1)

While not as prevalent as it may have been in the go-go days of the early 2000s, in certain industries in the United States, it is only a matter of time before a company will receive a patent demand or cease and desist letter.

Will the IoT Patent Wars be like the Smartphone Wars? Part 2

Will the IoT Patent Wars be like the Smartphone Wars? Part 2

It is worth noting that many of the use cases for IoT that are currently receiving much attention (like connected cars), likely won’t fall into litigation because of SEP enforcement challenges.