
patent wars,

The Real Empty Suit? Unified Patent’s Reverse Trolling Take 2

The Real Empty Suit? Unified Patent’s Reverse Trolling Take 2

It seems that Unified Patent’s year plus PR campaign (see) against HEVC assets in the US has run out of steam. Tags: Standard essential patents; FRAND; IPR;;

Apple’s CORE Hypocrisy – Setting a World Record in Late Disclosure

Apple’s CORE Hypocrisy – Setting a World Record in Late Disclosure

As I have documented elsewhere, Apple, for quite a long time has been engaged in a sophisticated long-term quest to devalue (p7) standard essential patents (“Essential Patents”).

A Short History of Vringo’s Battle with ZTE

A Short History of Vringo’s Battle with ZTE

This paper was originally written as a source material for my presentation at the ABA’s 2017 IP West as part of the The China Paradox