

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 1

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 1

Software has an outsized role in the economy contributing over a trillion dollars to the value of the US gross domestic product.

A Patent: What Is In It? [VIDEO]

A Patent: What Is In It? [VIDEO]

I help people make money from their intellectual property. My primary unit of currency is a patent. What is a patent?

Identifying Trade Secrets With Reasonable Particularity (Continued)

Identifying Trade Secrets With Reasonable Particularity (Continued)

So much for the case law. But what is a trade secret owner to do — both in the case and proactively before the case commences

IP Monetization: 4 Categories for Consideration

IP Monetization: 4 Categories for Consideration

Because IP monetization covers a wide range of business and legal activities, it is important to provide some examples.

Employees or Independent Contractor Generated IP

Employees or Independent Contractor Generated IP

This post will provide an overview of key IP issues encountered when dealing with employees and independent contractors.

Tech’s Frightful Five and Their Allies Come to Brussels

Tech’s Frightful Five and Their Allies Come to Brussels

Over the past 100 years corporate America has become quite sophisticated in how it lobbies the US Federal and State government and regulators.

Smallest Saleable Patent Practicing Unit (SSPPU) – Another Court Affirms the Obvious

Smallest Saleable Patent Practicing Unit (SSPPU) – Another Court Affirms the Obvious

In the topsy-turvy world of Standard Essential Patent (SEP) litigation, a court acknowledging the obvious often counts as news.

Meet the IP Thought Leaders: Robert Colao

Meet the IP Thought Leaders: Robert Colao

Over the course of my 20+ years practicing law, I have had the honor of working with many individuals who are involved at the cutting edge of all aspects of intellectual property.

Patent Demand Letters – Escalation or Litigation (Part 5)

Patent Demand Letters – Escalation or Litigation (Part 5)

If the patent demand letter situation escalates and you may be sued for infringement, you have options to consider.

Patent Demand Letters – Response Tactics (Part 4)

Patent Demand Letters – Response Tactics (Part 4)

If you receive a patent demand letter, you can choose from many courses of action, but each has pros and cons.