

NEWS ALERT: IEEE gamesmanship over FRAND (again)

NEWS ALERT: IEEE gamesmanship over FRAND (again)

A report from today’s IEEE Patent Committee (PatCom) meeting suggests IEEE is considering the unprecedented step of amending FRAND commitments after they were submitted.

Recent Edits to the IEEE IPR Policy are Steps in the Right Direction

Recent Edits to the IEEE IPR Policy are Steps in the Right Direction

After lots of coverage of the IEEE and a long pause, the humble blog author begs your apology for not providing the latest update – as he has been busy dealing with other pressing matters.

ISO Halts Processing of IEEE Standards in the Aftermath of its Patent Policy

ISO Halts Processing of IEEE Standards in the Aftermath of its Patent Policy

ISO standards quality control assurance warranty business technology concept.

New Empirical Data Demonstrates Continued Failure of IEEE 2015 Patent Policy

New Empirical Data Demonstrates Continued Failure of IEEE 2015 Patent Policy

I have written extensively about the many negative effects of the 2015 IEEE patent policy and it was gratifying to see the US Department of Justice (DOJ) acknowledging these negative effects.

The IEEE Ill-Advised 2015 IP Policy Continues to Fail

The IEEE Ill-Advised 2015 IP Policy Continues to Fail

The IEEE’s spectacularly misguided 2015 revisions to its IP policy continues to disappoint (I addressed them a number of times previously).

IEEE and ANSI Reach Agreement to Conceal Negative Letters of Assurance

IEEE and ANSI Reach Agreement to Conceal Negative Letters of Assurance

For my next trick, disappearing LOA Disclosures!

Wi-Fi Negative Letters of Assurance Contaminate and Compromise ISO 8802 Standards

Wi-Fi Negative Letters of Assurance Contaminate and Compromise ISO 8802 Standards

Is this what awaits? Last year, I described the broad negative and anticompetitive consequences of the IEEE’s 2015 patent policy, and was pleased to see the U.S. Department of Justice’s important 2020 Business Review Letter to IEEE (“DOJ BRL”) cite to my empirical work (see FN 47).

Apple Throws an Ally under the Bus Again – The Case of the IEEE

Apple Throws an Ally under the Bus Again – The Case of the IEEE

Earlier this month the U.S. Department of Justice issued an updated Business Review Letter (BRL) for the IEEE patent policy.

Anti-Patent Leadership Taking IEEE-SA on The Road to Knowhere? Part I

Anti-Patent Leadership Taking IEEE-SA on The Road to Knowhere? Part I

As I noted previously, over the past five years or so, the IEEE has been captured by the implementer lobby and its advocates.

The IEEE 2015 Patent Policy – A Natural Experiment in Devaluing Technology

The IEEE 2015 Patent Policy – A Natural Experiment in Devaluing Technology

While most are unlikely to be familiar with the standards development organization IEEE-SA, everyone is familiar with its flagship standard IEEE 802.11, more commonly referred to by its brand name Wi-Fi, that is utilized by billions of people daily.