
Donal O’Connell

The Six Stages of Trade Secret Misappropriation Protection

The Six Stages of Trade Secret Misappropriation Protection

Trade secret protection has become an increasingly important part of the arsenal of protections available for a company’s intellectual assets.

Reasonable Steps and Trade Secret Protection

Reasonable Steps and Trade Secret Protection

While companies are starting to better appreciate the role trade secrets can play in underpinning their intellectual capital, proactive trade secret management is still a very much neglected activity.

What is a Trade Secret Audit and Why Get One?

What is a Trade Secret Audit and Why Get One?

At first blush an audit sounds expensive, distracting and unnecessary. Let’s face it, we live in the age of the long tail

Trade Secret Theft in China

Trade Secret Theft in China

“China national charged with stealing trade secrets” – U.S. Justice Department

Meet the IP Thought Leaders: Donal O’Connell

Meet the IP Thought Leaders: Donal O’Connell

Over the course of my 20+ years practicing law, I have had the honor of working with many individuals at the cutting edge of all aspects of intellectual property.

The Importance of Trade Secret Metadata at a Trade Secret Misappropriation Court Case (Part 2)

The Importance of Trade Secret Metadata at a Trade Secret Misappropriation Court Case (Part 2)

In litigation, how much specific disclosure is required? During the course of a United States litigation — whether under the new, federal Defend Trade Secrets Act (DTSA) or the older state-adopted Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA)