
The SEP Royalty Stacking Myth – Apple Calls Its Own Bluff

The SEP Royalty Stacking Myth – Apple Calls Its Own Bluff

If you follow statements of antitrust agencies the world over – even as far away as China and Korea

A Rotten Apple Standard

A Rotten Apple Standard

Well it finally happened. Notwithstanding the settlement with Apple, the district court overseeing the FTC’s case against Qualcomm issued a blistering, 233 page opinion against Qualcomm’s SEP licensing practices.

Unified Patent’s UnFRANDly Jihad or Trolling at the PTAB

Unified Patent’s UnFRANDly Jihad or Trolling at the PTAB

After a period of skeptical acquiescence, anti-trust regulators seem to have come around and embraced patent pools for standard essential patents (SEPs.) The European Commission, no slouch when it comes to regulating SEPs, even remarked that the creation of patent pools “should be encouraged.”

Tech’s Frightful Five and Their Allies Come to Brussels

Tech’s Frightful Five and Their Allies Come to Brussels

Over the past 100 years corporate America has become quite sophisticated in how it lobbies the US Federal and State government and regulators.

Smallest Saleable Patent Practicing Unit (SSPPU) – Another Court Affirms the Obvious

Smallest Saleable Patent Practicing Unit (SSPPU) – Another Court Affirms the Obvious

In the topsy-turvy world of Standard Essential Patent (SEP) litigation, a court acknowledging the obvious often counts as news.