
Regulatory Capture Crosses the Atlantic [UPDATED]

Regulatory Capture Crosses the Atlantic [UPDATED]

UPDATE:  I am pleased to report that my post seems to have created some waves, and just a little over two months after posting

Apple’s Well-Funded Efficient Infringement Tilts the Competitive Landscape

Apple’s Well-Funded Efficient Infringement Tilts the Competitive Landscape

Apple’s long-term campaign to avoid paying FRAND SEP licensing fees continues unabated. In what has become a modus operendi, every time Apple’s license with a major SEP licensors – Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, InterDigital, Qualcomm – comes up for renewal, global warfare breaks out, and then after forcing SEP licensors to pay millions in legal fees, Apple settles for unknown, typically after being found by a court or the ITC to be an “unwilling” technology user who failed to negotiate in good faith.

On Deceptive Apps and Practices: Unmasking the ACT App(le) Association

On Deceptive Apps and Practices: Unmasking the ACT App(le) Association

On July 1, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), under the leadership of new Chair Lina Khan, held the first open Commission meeting in a series of announced monthly meetings.

The DOJ Antitrust Division: Regulatory Capture at the Expense of U.S. Interests

The DOJ Antitrust Division: Regulatory Capture at the Expense of U.S. Interests

I am very pleased that my latest article on how Big Tech has captured yet another public institution was published by IPWatchdog.

The IEEE Ill-Advised 2015 IP Policy Continues to Fail

The IEEE Ill-Advised 2015 IP Policy Continues to Fail

The IEEE’s spectacularly misguided 2015 revisions to its IP policy continues to disappoint (I addressed them a number of times previously).

Efficient Infringer Smacked by the EDVA – Will the Federal Circuit Finally Draw a Line in the Sand?

Efficient Infringer Smacked by the EDVA – Will the Federal Circuit Finally Draw a Line in the Sand?

After a bench trial, the Eastern District of Virginia found Cisco to be have willfully infringed patents owned by Centripetal Networks Inc., a small operating company, and awarded a judgment of $1.9 billion dollars.

Apple Throws an Ally under the Bus Again – The Case of the IEEE

Apple Throws an Ally under the Bus Again – The Case of the IEEE

Earlier this month the U.S. Department of Justice issued an updated Business Review Letter (BRL) for the IEEE patent policy.

Apple’s CORE Hypocrisy – Setting a World Record in Late Disclosure

Apple’s CORE Hypocrisy – Setting a World Record in Late Disclosure

As I have documented elsewhere, Apple, for quite a long time has been engaged in a sophisticated long-term quest to devalue (p7) standard essential patents (“Essential Patents”).

The ACT | APPLE Association Charade

The ACT | APPLE Association Charade

Apple and the Fearsome five are doing it again.   The same people who pushed the fallacious “troll bogeyman”; engaged in PTAB proxy warfare

The IEEE 2015 Patent Policy – A Natural Experiment in Devaluing Technology

The IEEE 2015 Patent Policy – A Natural Experiment in Devaluing Technology

While most are unlikely to be familiar with the standards development organization IEEE-SA, everyone is familiar with its flagship standard IEEE 802.11, more commonly referred to by its brand name Wi-Fi, that is utilized by billions of people daily.