
Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 2

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 2

As patent practitioners know, the law sometimes defines technical topics in ways that do not always accord with how engineers and scientists understand those same topics.

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 1

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 1

Software has an outsized role in the economy contributing over a trillion dollars to the value of the US gross domestic product.

Technical Standards: A Quick Introduction [VIDEO]

Technical Standards: A Quick Introduction [VIDEO]

We help you make money from your intellectual property.

A Patent: What Is In It? [VIDEO]

A Patent: What Is In It? [VIDEO]

I help people make money from their intellectual property. My primary unit of currency is a patent. What is a patent?

The Patent Litigation Money Pit

The Patent Litigation Money Pit

Patent litigation, the Sport of Kings, does not come cheap, especially when the litigation transmogrifies into a multi-jurisdictional slugfest.

IEEE and ANSI Reach Agreement to Conceal Negative Letters of Assurance

IEEE and ANSI Reach Agreement to Conceal Negative Letters of Assurance

For my next trick, disappearing LOA Disclosures!

Efficient Infringer Smacked by the EDVA – Will the Federal Circuit Finally Draw a Line in the Sand?

Efficient Infringer Smacked by the EDVA – Will the Federal Circuit Finally Draw a Line in the Sand?

After a bench trial, the Eastern District of Virginia found Cisco to be have willfully infringed patents owned by Centripetal Networks Inc., a small operating company, and awarded a judgment of $1.9 billion dollars.

The Six Stages of Trade Secret Misappropriation Protection

The Six Stages of Trade Secret Misappropriation Protection

Trade secret protection has become an increasingly important part of the arsenal of protections available for a company’s intellectual assets.

Apple’s CORE Hypocrisy – Setting a World Record in Late Disclosure

Apple’s CORE Hypocrisy – Setting a World Record in Late Disclosure

As I have documented elsewhere, Apple, for quite a long time has been engaged in a sophisticated long-term quest to devalue (p7) standard essential patents (“Essential Patents”).

The Real FRAND Scam Part 3

The Real FRAND Scam Part 3

Previously we discussed a Unified Patents’ article, the “FRAND SCAM” fails to address many key points.