
Response to the USPTO, The ITA, and NIST call for Public Comments on Standards, Part 6 of 7

Response to the USPTO, The ITA, and NIST call for Public Comments on Standards, Part 6 of 7

On November 6, 2023 I submitted a response to the public comments which can be found here.

Response to the USPTO, The ITA, and NIST call for Public Comments on Standards, Part 4 of 7

Response to the USPTO, The ITA, and NIST call for Public Comments on Standards, Part 4 of 7

On November 6, 2023 I submitted a response to the public comments which can be found here.  I have also included my comments in full on this blog in a series of posts including the below. Standards; FRAND; SEP; patentlicensing; standards; SDO; globalstandards

Response to the USPTO, The ITA, and NIST call for Public Comments on Standards, Part 3 of 7

Response to the USPTO, The ITA, and NIST call for Public Comments on Standards, Part 3 of 7

On November 6, 2023 I submitted a response to the public comments which can be found here.  I have also included my comments in full on this blog in a series of posts including the below. Standards; FRAND; SEP; patentlicensing; standards; SDO; globalstandards

Response to the USPTO, The ITA, and NIST call for Public Comments on Standards, Part 2 of 7

Response to the USPTO, The ITA, and NIST call for Public Comments on Standards, Part 2 of 7

On November 6, 2023 I submitted a response to the public comments which can be found here. I have also included my comments in full on this blog in a series of posts including the below.

NEWS ALERT: IEEE gamesmanship over FRAND (again)

NEWS ALERT: IEEE gamesmanship over FRAND (again)

A report from today’s IEEE Patent Committee (PatCom) meeting suggests IEEE is considering the unprecedented step of amending FRAND commitments after they were submitted.

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 10

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 10

Finally, other than various state law trespass and common law claims, the most common form of protection for software is a simple contract.

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 9

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 9

A widely used method of software protection is through trade secret law under the Economic Espionage Act (EEA)

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 8

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 8

Patent protection is perhaps the most contentious form of IP protection for software.  There is no surer way to start a fight amongst the various interest groups interested in patents than to discuss software patents

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 7

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 7

One of the other protections available for software that is collateral to copyright is codified in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

5th Circuit’s Continental v. Avanci Decision Endorses “Access-to-all”, rejects compulsory “license-to-all”

5th Circuit’s Continental v. Avanci Decision Endorses “Access-to-all”, rejects compulsory “license-to-all”

Today, the 5th Circuit issued its decision in the Continental v. Avanci Appeal, reversing the district court’s decision that Continental had standing under Article III of the Constitution.