
Kidon Podcast: IP War Stories – David Cohen & Dragos Vilau

Kidon Podcast: IP War Stories – David Cohen & Dragos Vilau

My next interview is with Dragos Vilau, founder of Vilau | Associates in Romania. Dragos is an old comrade in arms from my Vringo days and was instrumental in helping develop

Kidon Podcast: War Stories on the Cutting Edge of IP Monetization – David Cohen and Chris Colvin

Kidon Podcast: War Stories on the Cutting Edge of IP Monetization – David Cohen and Chris Colvin

My third interview is with an old friend and colleague from my Skadden days (well technically he was from Kramer, but we were co-counsel), Chris Colvin, patent litigation partner at Leitchman Law, and founder of a number of highly successful

Technical Standards: A Quick Introduction [VIDEO]

Technical Standards: A Quick Introduction [VIDEO]

We help you make money from your intellectual property.

Strengthen Your Intellectual Assets (Part 2): Structured Innovation

Strengthen Your Intellectual Assets (Part 2): Structured Innovation

In my last installment, I talked about IP audits as a way to strengthen your portfolio. Once those avenues have been exhausted, the next step is to undergo a phase of structured innovation.

Strengthen Your Intellectual Assets (Part 1): IP Audits

Strengthen Your Intellectual Assets (Part 1): IP Audits

Some people have a visceral reaction to the word audit. They think the tax people are coming and will soon be pounding on the door.

IP Monetization: 4 Categories for Consideration

IP Monetization: 4 Categories for Consideration

Because IP monetization covers a wide range of business and legal activities, it is important to provide some examples.