
Disclosures and Enforceability of Standard-Essential Patents: An Overview

Disclosures and Enforceability of Standard-Essential Patents: An Overview

I am very pleased that my chapter comparing how three different courts approach IPR disclosure obligations under ETSI has been published by Wolters Kluwer in their 2021 Licensing Update.

Implementer Subterfuge Comes to Japan

Implementer Subterfuge Comes to Japan

There is something about standard essential patents that encourages subterfuge by implementers.

The Real FRAND Scam Part 3

The Real FRAND Scam Part 3

Previously we discussed a Unified Patents’ article, the “FRAND SCAM” fails to address many key points.

IPlytics’ Patent-Counting Fallacy

IPlytics’ Patent-Counting Fallacy

There is no doubt that the number of patents declared as potentially essential to technical standards is not an indication of essentiality; its only purpose is to make those declared patents accessible on FRAND terms should they ever become essential.

Outsourced Manufacturing and Trade Secrets: An Economic Overview (Part 1)

Outsourced Manufacturing and Trade Secrets: An Economic Overview (Part 1)

Since the beginning of the industrial age, companies have outsourced part of the manufacturing process to third-party providers.

Trade Secret Theft in China

Trade Secret Theft in China

“China national charged with stealing trade secrets” – U.S. Justice Department

A Short History of Vringo’s Battle with ZTE

A Short History of Vringo’s Battle with ZTE

This paper was originally written as a source material for my presentation at the ABA’s 2017 IP West as part of the The China Paradox