Internet of Things and Patent Wars

The Real Empty Suit

The Real Empty Suit? Unified Patent’s Reverse Trolling Take 2

It seems that Unified Patent’s year plus PR campaign (see) against HEVC assets in the US has run out of steam. While their COO’s incoherent rants about Velos Media may be amusing, as I detailed earlier the campaign was misguided and rife with factual errors. Velos, whose members include BlackBerry, Ericsson, Panasonic, Qualcomm, Sharp, and […]

Standard Essential Patents

Regulatory Capture Crosses the Atlantic [UPDATED]

UPDATE:  I am pleased to report that my post seems to have created some waves, and just a little over two months after posting, Fiona Scott Morton withdrew from consideration as DG Comp’s chief economist.  While it is true that the primary stated reason for her withdrawal was the scandal that erupted since she wasn’t […]

Patent Demand Letters

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